CAMPUS NEWS: I shall vigorously and resolutely seek a drastic improvement in fuoye welfare, academically, socially and politically.


Ojo Sanmi  Isaac a.k.a Ijoba Demo

   Let me at this epoch thank the mass of Federal University Oye Ekiti (Fuoye) students for the endorsements I have received since I have put myself forward to be the first among equals in our Union.

It brings to mind the immortal words of legal czar "Lt. Gani Fawehinmi" that there is nothing one can do for his people than to seek its good and prosperity.

Greatest Fuoyeites, I am Ojo Isaac Sanmi p.k.a Ijoba Demo seeking your votes to become the FUOYESU PRESIDENT.

Our Union should not be left in the unsafe hands of intellectual vegetables, rather our nascent Union must be piloted by intellectual panjandrum and genuine student activists who will salvage us from this present quagmire. We need a selflessly servant - leader who will place much premium on the welfare of the generality of "Fuoye student" other than being bought by the lust for office.

In all modesty greatest Fuoyeites, I am not laying claim to be all - knowing but you can be rest assured that I have the intellectual acumen and political wherewithal to proffer lasting solutions to our myriads of problems.

In as much as nothing in life is insurmountable, I shall if given the mandate endeavour to assemble a coterie of seasoned student activists to make our Union and by extension our university work because I am of the opinion that sticks in bundle are unbreakable.

I shall vigorously and resolutely seek a drastic improvement in our welfare, academically, socially and politically. 

We shall collectively put an end to the era of suffering and smiling and enthrone a dawn of academic prosperity for all.

All I seek from you dear compatriots in struggle, is your votes come 4th October. I shall be fervent in the pursuant of these lofty goals. I shall never relent, renege or rest on my oars in this task ahead. Fellow comrades, issues are clear, and these we shall lay bear before the management, with God on our side, we shall  emerge victorious.

Let us keep hope alive that the much awaited good time is here.

                IJOBA DEMO

#Aluta fina

Support the movement: Vox Populi Vox Dei (Voice of the people, Voice of God).


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