Fela Durotoye announces his Membership of Political Party ANN

Motivational speaker Fela Durotoye has announced that he has joined a political party Alliance for New Nigeria (ANN).

Durotoye revealed this in a series of posts on his Instagram.

ANN “provides a level playing field for the best candidates to emerge at all levels for legislative & executive offices,” he wrote.

Durotoye described his journey mentoring a new generation of nation builders for the past 13 years, who will build Nigeria “into the most desirable nation to live in.”

He has however learned, he wrote, that good governance is critical for any nation to reach its full potential.

Although Durotoye refused to confirm or deny rumours of him running for office in 2019, he did announce that after such research, he has decided to join ANN.

He wrote:
13 years ago, my heart was infused with a vision of a NEW NIGERIA and I received a mandate to raise a generation of nation builders that will build Nigeria into the most desirable nation to live in; work in.

This great generation of nation builders of every tribe and tongue … of every religious creed … men and women, boys and girls from every hamlet, village, town and city across the length and breadth of our nation across the entire spectrum of our society … all infused with a similar set of values; committed to a lifestyle of leadership and excellence as they seek to build Nigeria into the most desirable nation to live in.

All the work we’ve done over the past decade has been in recognition of the great potential of our country and the undeniable blessing that have been divinely bestowed upon us in the abundance of natural ; mineral resources, but most importantly in the abundance of human resources as we have been blessed to be the largest collection indomitable, indefatigable, innovative; inventive people … indeed the world’s largest black nation.

All of these blessings affirm our potential to be one of the greatest countries in the world, but that potential is also a challenge to our generation to work hard to actualize our potential; to be all that we can be, do all that we can do; possess all that we can have as a truly great nation.

However, I have come to the conclusion that Good Governance is critical for any nation to accomplish its full potential. Infact, without good governance every other good work carried out by its citizens would ultimately be like pouring water into a basket and is therefore not sustainable.

I stand here on behalf of this generation of leaders to declare that WE ARE NOW WILLING, ABLE; READY TO SERVE OUR NATION THROUGH ELECTIVE OFFICE; WE ARE NOT TOO YOUNG TO RUN, …

To build the Nigeria of our dreams would require exceptional candidates who would emerge from a pool of excellent; credible aspirants chosen by the people to represent them at the general elections. And so, over the last few months, I have researched into several political parties to determine if their ideologies, vision and values resonate with mine.

I am glad to announce that one party has resonated more with me than any other in sharing common ideology, principles and a truly democratic internal political process that is open to all to aspire…                                                                                                                            A party that provides a level playing field for the best candidates to emerge at all levels for Legislative & Executive offices. THAT PARTY IS THE ALLIANCE FOR NEW NIGERIA.

And today 22nd of February 2018, I have formalized my membership with the ALLIANCE FOR NEW NIGERIA (ANN) & become a member of this great party.

IT IS OUR TIME… And together, we will deliver the future.
God Bless You all.
God Bless our Alliance For New Nigeria.
And May God Bless our Federal Republic of Nigeria.

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