PRESS RELEASE: FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OYE EKITI STUDENTS UNION - 28th of November 2018 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Unique A.O.S


FUOYESU PRESIDENTIAL SPEECH Delivered By Comr. Awodola Oluwaseun Samuel Pka UNIQUE A.O.S.

The newly elected President; Federal University Oye Ekiti Student Union 2018/2019 Session on the 2nd Student Union Executives inauguration held on the 27th of November 2018. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Good Afternoon, the distinguished Chairman of today's occasion the Vice Chancellor been represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, the Registrar, the Dean of students affairs, the Dean faculty of Science and other Management Officials present.

I salute the presence of the ever tenacious Pioneer President FUOYESU and His ever indefatigable Co-executives as well as all other working team, commitees and forces.
My fellow newly inaugurated executives, my ever rugged and dogged comrades and the ever able, amiable, capable, reasonable and progressive Nigerian Students.

I remain My humble and undiluted self; Comr Awodola Oluwaseun Samuel Pka UNIQUE A.O.S. 
It's a privilege which the Nigerian students of this noble citadel of knowledge Federal University Oye Ekiti has given me, the mandate to serve them via leading as the grand commander of all Aluta Forces and also the next driver to lead and serve right this session.


Few years ago, year 2016 to be precise we clamoured for a voice and we were given. The First Student Representative Council under the leadership of Comr. Akinnibosun Victor Abayomi Pka Papa Vick who stirred through the storm of Aluta until the First Student Union Executives election was conducted and the adminstration being led by His excellency; the Pioneer President, Comr. Fasakin Taiwo Emerald. 
Being the first-two leadership which each leadership as made great history in their areas of charge, and we the Nigerian Students will not and can not be satisfied until another history is made and until just flows like a stream of water. Inconvenience, inadequate infrastructures, inadequate accommodation, intimidation, sever hike and inflation in prices and so on has so much placed our dear students in shackles and with two history been made (The First Student Representative Council and the First Student Union Government) which has contributed in their own ways to reduce some of the pain and to build better welfarism.


The time has come and the sky and the sea and the land and the Nigerian students, shall be rescued. As we stated during our manifesto to defend the right and positive interest of the Nigerian students, to see to her immediate and long lasting welfarism. We shall draw out an effective, multi pronged approach towards achieving our success in constructive manner and in the 3 (three) scientific way of Aluta.


Through the moral, social, entrepreneurial and academic advancement of the Nigerian students; We shall expand the beauty of the institution (FUOYE) and re-brand her in a brighter and golden colour. In View of this, we beseech our ever conscious, and reasonable management to help us see into, manage and solve our issues as we tender them in time to come, all to build the citadel of knowledge to greater standards.

And may God almighty, give us the wisdom and knowledge to stare the vehicle of leadership to a successful destination. Amen.
Thank you and God bless.

Long live Nigerian Students!!!
Long live FUOYESU!!!
Long live FUOYE!!!
Long live Ekiti State!!!
Long live Nigeria!!!

Aluta Continua (Struggles Continue)
Victoria Ascerta
Amanga Awelu.

Until Victory is Ascertain, nothing shall discourage us.

Signed: Awodola Oluwaseun Samuel Pka Unique A.O.S (Fuoyesu President) 🔊
Omofoye Adetola (Fuoyesu P.R.O)

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